Posts 2023-04-05 Tuning flux 2020-12-11 Forbidden lore: hacking DNS routing for k8s 2019-12-20 We killed the butler: Replacing Jenkins with Concourse 2019-02-01 Prometheus: a short introduction 2017-12-22 Building a secure bastion host, or, 50 ways to kill your server 2017-05-11 Testing Packer builds with Serverspec 2017-01-04 TIL how to (and how not to) chain logstash instances 2016-12-14 Using Graylog's Rest API 2016-04-12 Hosting a reveal.js presentation on github pages 2016-04-08 A practical introduction to git 2016-04-07 Launching new site on github pages 2016-02-17 A brief history of the referer header 2015-12-08 Puppet in the Pipeline: video and slides 2015-08-27 Good ticket guide 2015-07-31 Automated server testing with Serverspec, output for Logstash, results in Kibana 2015-05-08 Recovering from puppet cert clean --all 2014-11-21 Version control: the basics in 5 minutes 2014-07-23 Creating a CentOS base box for Vagrant 2014-01-30 Translating user security for PCI compliance into configs 2014-01-11 On defensiveness 2013-08-14 Setting up Request Tracker 4